Fish Puttenesca

A great dish to brighten up any midweek meal.

Fish Recipes


  • 4 x 150-200g cod portions
  • 4 anchovy filets, rinsed and chopped
  • 50g capers, washed, chopped
  • 20 Greek olives, pitted, chopped
  • ½ bunch fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped
  • Salt and pepper

Method (click to mark as completed)


  1. Heat the tomato sauce on a medium heat with all the ingredients (except the parsley) and simmer for approximately 5-6 minutes.
  2. Lightly season the cod portions and place them on a piece of oiled paper cut to fit the steamer basket, steam for 5- 8 minutes until the fish starts to flake. Stir the parsley into the sauce and spoon over the fish to serve.

Completed steps (click to remove last step)