Steamed Artichoke

The perfect side dish packed with flavour.

Sides & Snacks


  • 2 Globe Artichoke
  • 1 Lemon
  • Fresh herb sprigs such as tarragon, mint, parsley and/or thyme
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled and sliced

Serving Suggestion:

  • Vinaigrette

Method (click to mark as completed)


  1. Cut the top quarter off the artichokes, snap off and discard any battered outer leaves.
  2. Rub the cut surfaces with a slice of lemon.
  3. Cut the stem flush with the artichoke body.
  4. Slice the remaining lemon and place that in the steaming basket of your Russell Hobbs Multi Cooker.
  5. Add the sprigs of fresh herbs and the garlic to the basket and place the Artichoke on top.
  6. Fill with water to the 2 level on the rice scale on the inside of the bowl.
  7. Place the steaming basket into the bowl and close the lid. Select the steaming programme.
  8. The artichoke is cooked when the outer leaves can be easily removed. Serve the artichoke warm or cold with a vinaigrette.  

Completed steps (click to remove last step)